Ordinance # 146
An ordinance relative to snow, mud or other obstruction upon side walks and the removal of same.
Be it ordained by the Mayor and Councilmen of the City of Troy:
Sec 1. That it shall be the duty of the owner or owners or their tenants of lots along which sidewalks are now constructed, or may hereafter be constructed to keep said sidewalks clear and free from snow, mud or other obstruction caused by rain, snow, wind or storms, so as not to interfere with travel along same.
Sec II. That it shall be the duty of the City Marshall to notify in writing, the owner or owners or their tenants of lots in the City of Troy along which sidewalks are constructed to remove there from any snow, mud or other obstruction caused by rain, snow, wind or storms; and any owner or owners or their tenants who shall fail and refuse for twenty-four hours after said notice to remove said snow, mud or other obstruction from said sidewalk shall be deemed guilty of an offense against this ordinance, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in a sum not more than $10.00.
Sec III . That the owner or owners of said lot or lots, or their tenants failing for twenty-four hours, after notice by the City Marshall, to remove said snow, mud or other obstruction from said side walk, it shall be the duty of the City Marshall to cause the same to be removed and on such work being done, he shall render his bill to the City Council for said services.
Sec IV. That the City Marshall shall report to the City Council, the cost of removing said snow, mud or other obstruction from said sidewalk and said cost shall be levied against the owner or owners of such lot or lots, which tax shall be collected as other taxes assessed against real estate in said estate.
Sec V. This ordinance shall be in full force from and after its publication in The Weekly Kansas Chief.
Passed and approved March 1, 1912.
A G Winzer, Mayor
Attest: L. O. Hathaway, City Clerk